Morning sickness during pregnancy: how to deal with it?

morning sickness

You all know how a healthy first trimester is crucial to the normal development of the baby. So, keeping yourself fit and healthy during the first trimester of your pregnancy is necessary. One of the common problems faced by pregnant women during the first trimester is morning sickness, also called “nausea”.

Even after a lot of research no one exactly knows the exact reason why a lot of women experience nausea during pregnancy. But it is possible that the surge of pregnancy hormones, sensitive digestive system and heightened sense of smell might play a role in causing morning sickness or nausea.

In pregnant women morning sickness/nausea usually starts by the fifth or sixth week of pregnancy and may be intense towards the beginning of the third month of pregnancy.

Luckily we can manage with the help of home remedies without a visit to your doctor or prescription drugs.

Here are a few helpful home remedies that can help get you through morning sickness.

  • Sip a cup of herbal tea made with peppermint, camomile and lemon balm is known to reduce nausea
  • Cut a lemon into slices and sniff it. You can also add few drops of lemon juice into water and consume it
  • Whenever you feel queasy, try having a cup of ginger tea as it can soothe your stomach and ease motion sickness
  • raspberry- leaf tea is another helpful ingredient that can help you combat nausea/morning sickness. It is also known to relax the smooth muscles of uterus but before you try this remedy check with your doctor as some studies say that raspberry leaves may cause uterine contractions
  • A cup of ginger ale kept in flat room temperature might help you feel better
  • Chewing on fennel seeds whenever you feel queasy might help to ease your nausea
  • Another simple yet effective remedy is to drink a glass of water every hour to keep yourself hydrated.
  • Instead of eating three large meals every day you can try eating several small meals as smaller meals are easier to digest.
  • Say no to all the fried fatty foods which can encourage nausea
  • Choose foods like whole wheat bread, green leafy veggies, pasta, and banana which are high in complex carbohydrates

However, nausea and vomiting can sometimes be severe, or might even last till the second trimester. If that is the case, then consult your doctor about other treatments. Some severe cases might lead to hyperemesis gravidarum condition which might require treatment with intravenous fluids (IV) and medicines.

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