Back pain during pregnancy: How to deal with it?

back pain in pregnant women

During the initial stages of your pregnancy, it’s very common to experience back pain or back ache. Due to hormonal changes and growing uterus more than 60% pregnant women have lower back pain. Several factors contribute to this during pregnancy, including changes in weight, body posture and hormonal changes.

Hormonal changes in pregnant women causes ligament laxity, where the pelvis and spine connect. This change is necessary to create a passage of the baby through the birth canal but can lead to instability in joints which ultimately causes back pain.

However, you can try these simple tips to prevent or ease your back ache during pregnancy.
  • Exercise

Regular exercises boosts flexibility and strengthens the muscles which helps to ease the stress on your spine. A physical therapist or a yoga expert can recommend exercises to strengthen your back and abdomen which would ultimately help you to ease your back pain.

  • Acupuncture

It is a medical technique in which needles are inserted into some specific pressure points on the body. Acupuncture helps to to remove any type of blockages that are interfering the smooth flow of the body’s energy. It can also help improve certain aspects like digestion, relief from morning sickness or nausea, boosting your energy levels and easing back pain

  • Swimming

Most highly recommended  form of exercise for a pregnant women is swimming because swimming helps take off the pressure from the spine which would help ease the back pain. Also it can help in strengthening chest and back muscles.

  • Good posture

As you cross the early stages of pregnancy, your center of gravity shits forward. To avoid falling forward try leaning back, by doing this you can prevent straining the muscles in your lower back which would ultimately help you prevent back pain.

Maintaing a good posture means

  • Holding your chest high
  • Keeping your shoulders relaxed
  • Standing up straight and tall
  • Sleep on one side

By sleeping on one side and keeping your knees bent you can prevent your back pain. Use pregnancy pillows or support pillows between your knees, under your abdomen and behind your back while leaning.

  • Prenatal yoga

Yoga is one of the most popular techniques for pain relief and flexibility. Prenatal yoga is a top choice among pregnant women as it helps improve the body posture by easing up your pain. Not only that it also helps to prevent any sort of pain in muscles, joints and nerves.

  • Maternity belt

It is a type of belt that helps to hold up your belly so that the pelvic girdle and lower back aren’t too strained. Doctors usually advice pregnant women to try using maternity belts when they work as it helps prevent back pain caused due to work load or lifting of heavy objects

However, if you are facing severe back pain and back ache that lasts for more than 2-3 weeks, try consulting your doctor or health care provider as sometimes back pain can be sign of urinary track infection or preterm labor.

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