Ways to relieve breast pain and tenderness during pregnancy

breast pain

Being a mother is not an easy task. During pregnancy, all women go through a lot of changes both mentally and physically. And one of the most noticeable changes and pain occurs in the breast. When a pregnant woman starts lactating her body secretes many hormones that cause pain and sensitivity of the breasts.

Most women experience this initially during the first trimester while most pregnant women experience this throughout their pregnancy. It can also be considered as an early symptom of pregnancy in some cases. Breast tenderness or pain can come in different ways, it can happen on one or both breasts or you may feel it in a specific spot. The tenderness or soreness may be constant or it can come and go.

Luckily we have certain tips or home remedies that can help ease your discomfort and pain.

  • Create a “no touch” zone

During pregnancy, you notice that your breasts are full and that is going to be really attractive to your partner, create a “no touch” zone to prevent extra pain and discomfort by treating them with care until the pain eases up.

  • Cold compress

Try giving your tender breasts a cold compress by laying a towel over your chest and possibly apply a ice pack to the area or a frozen bag of any things like peas also works well

  • Drink more water

One of the most common yet effective home remedies that you need to try for breast pain and tenderness is water intake. Drinking more water can help your body to flush out the excess hormones and fluids in your body which would ultimately help you ease your pain.

  • Use of supportive bra

Give your breasts the support they need and make them feel better. A full coverage bra might help as it provides support by lifting up the breasts and taking the pressure off the particular area. Avoid going braless during nights and try using a sports bra instead so that you get to enjoy those extra peaceful slumbers of sleep.

  • Following a low-fat diet

Eat more carbohydrates and try to follow a simple low-fat diet as some studies show that a low fat diet can help ease up your breast pain and tenderness

  • less salt intake

Sea salt consumption is important as it helps build your blood volume but some women might feel relieved from breast pain and tenderness by reducing sodium intake. Do this alongside drinking plenty of water.

  • Consume flax seed

It is proven that consuming 1 full tablespoon of flax seed powder can help treat breast tenderness and pain. If you find it difficult to consume it, try mixing it with water or a glass of fresh fruit juice.

  • Avoid tight fitting clothes

As your breasts grow during pregnancy avoid wearing tight fitting clothes as it might suffocate you. Opting for loose fitting or breathable clothes can make you feel relieved. Most importantly loose or wavy clothes won’t rub or cause discomfort to your breasts


It’s normal to experience breast pain, swelling and tenderness during pregnancy. However, pregnancy symptoms are different for everyone and not having one or other symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean that something is wrong with your pregnancy.

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